RHS Friday Night Live

Helping to create an alternative youth
​subculture focused on living life to the fullest
​without alcohol or other drugs and expanding
​our bubble to make our community a healthier

What are the different ways I can be a part of FNL?

“CORE COMMITTEE MEMBERS” will include those people who demonstrate 100% accountability (attend meetings or notify ahead of time when unable to attend), in exchange for rights to vote and approve/veto event ideas. 

​“FRIENDS OF FNL” – for people who don’t have the time or energy to commit to being a regular part of our club but want to stay informed, help plan an event here or there, and support us.

​Like us on Facebook – to be able to get updates on our next events and what is going on in the club!
Come have fun with us and support our events.

Congratulations to our very own president, MACKENZIE HUTCHINSON, who was recognized in a school assembly by Mike Smith for being such an amazing and influential peer.